Mary River Festival

Scientist John, (who inspired my first children's picture book, Gladys and Stripey), and I, enjoyed being at the Mary River Festival at Kandanga, south east Queensland, last weekend. The Mary River flows into the lower part of the Great Barrier Reef, so improving water quality in the Mary River system is essential. Loved this fish mural which greeted us on the way into the event.

I'm currently working on some articles based on scientists who have spent decades working on the Great Barrier Reef. What an amazingly beautiful and intricately complex ecosystem our reef is. It's a delight to spend time with these committed scientists.

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River Detectives discover Gladys and Stripey picture book

It's great that the River Detectives program has discovered Gladys and Stripey: two little fish on one BIG adventure, and like it so much, that this unique picture book, --'valuable to all as a way of learning about waterways, native fish and importance of healthy habitat and fish passage' -- is now one of their recommended resources.

The book is based on an Australian threatened freshwater fish species. It encourages readers to discover what's in their own waterway. Public and school librarians will want to check there's a copy on their shelves.

More details about Gladys and Stripey: two little fish on one BIG adventure, including a video, educator notes and activities can be found at

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Gladys and Stripey make their First Public Appearance

Gladys and Stripey made their First Big Public Appearance at the recent Native Fish Forum in Dubbo, 3 May - 5 May, prior to the official release of the book. They were warmly welcomed by the native fish community, from scientists to fishers. An image of the book cover even made it up on the big screen! 

Author and publisher, Michele Gierck, says children (and adults) around Australia will soon have the chance to share in Gladys and Stripey's adventure!

ORDER YOUR COPY NOW at Michele Gierck's shop

Book Cover - Gladys and Stripey: two little fish on one BIG adventure

The book has educator notes (20 pages linked to the Victorian and Australian curriculums), online resources, and fun activities. For more information, see Michele's website ( or REACH OUT to Michele.

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