
Galaxiellas are not the only stars

On a recent visit to Nangak Tamboree Wildlife Sanctuary, Scientist John and I were delighted discover the Galaxiella Billabong. Great to see our little native fish, Galaxiella pusilla, being recognised and protected. And what a hoot to have a close, unexpected encounter with a resident, and most curious, emu!

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Mary River Festival

Scientist John, (who inspired my first children's picture book, Gladys and Stripey), and I, enjoyed being at the Mary River Festival at Kandanga, south east Queensland, last weekend. The Mary River flows into the lower part of the Great Barrier Reef, so improving water quality in the Mary River system is essential. Loved this fish mural which greeted us on the way into the event.

I'm currently working on some articles based on scientists who have spent decades working on the Great Barrier Reef. What an amazingly beautiful and intricately complex ecosystem our reef is. It's a delight to spend time with these committed scientists.

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Never too young to start reading

Never too young to start reading

In late March, I attended the Native Fish Forum in Canberra, where my picture book about an Australian native fish was on display. (And for sale.) One of the ecologists took a copy home. Next morning he showed me this gorgeous photo of his son 'reading' Gladys and Stripey: two little fish on one BIG adventure. What a treasure -- Never Too Young To Start Reading.

More information about the book can be found on the Gladys and Stripey page of Michele Gierck's website:

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Top Summer Bookshop Sellers

Thanks to Eltham Bookshop and Readings for being Best Bookshop Summer Sellers of my first children's picture book, Gladys and Stripey: two little fish on one BIG adventure. I'll be heading to the Native Fish Forum in Canberra, next week, along with Gladys and Stripey, and Scientist John who inspired the book.

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Inquiries for Science Week 2024 have begun!

School is back. Inquiries have started. Gladys and Stripey, a book about an Australian native freshwater endangered fish species, is ideal for Science Week 2024, with its theme of conservation and endangered species.

What's even more exciting is that over the summer I've been working with a tech team to develop a digital picture book of Gladys and Stripey, two little fish on one BIG adventure. More news on that SOON.

If you'd like to get in touch with Michele please contact her via the contact page on her website.

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ABC RN, The Science Show, stars Gladys and Stripey

Being interviewed by the Science Show host, Robyn Williams, is like having front row seats with a master in the art of interviewing. The stars of this interview were two little native freshwater fish -- Gladys and Stripey. It was fab to discuss my first children's book with Robyn.

A podcast is available on the Science Show website. And I quote from the ABC RN Science Show podcast, ' Michele describes how she is inspired by the natural world, and how she created an adventure story for children based on science and the lives of two little fish.' Here's the link to the podcast.

The book is called, Gladys and Stripey: two little fish on one BIG adventure.

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ABC Adelaide Airwaves Calling

Thursday 23 November at 7.45pm (SA time) I'll be chatting to the iconic, and soon to retire (as in next week), Peter Goers. What an amazing radio host. We first met years ago when my memoir about accompanying my mum with dementia was published. Delighted that I'll get to say goodbye when we chat later this week about Gladys and Stripey -- my first children's book.

It's hard not to laugh when chatting with Peter Goers, even when the topic is tough. His dry quick wit is really something. This photo was taken in Adelaide at an Alzheimer's conference a few years ago.

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Hope is the thing - a picture book for all ages

This is a beautiful picture book for our times. Called Hope is the thing, it was inspired by Emily Dickinson's poem, "Hope" is the thing with feathers. Who said picture books are just for kids? All ages will be blown away by this beautifully written and illustrated book. Best to head down to your local bookshop or library, and get yourself a copy.

In 2015, my book about accompanying my mum with dementia, Fraying: Mum, memory loss, the medical maze and me was published. What I discovered, when mum's memory was changing, is that Mum and I loved looking at picture books together, often the garden or nature variety. Mum's earthly journey came to an end over a decade ago, but I'd bet she would have loved this book. The rhyme is as soulful as the illustrations.

If you have someone close to you with dementia, and you read this WITH them, I'd love to hear how it goes. You can contact me via the contact page on my website -

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River Detectives discover Gladys and Stripey picture book

It's great that the River Detectives program has discovered Gladys and Stripey: two little fish on one BIG adventure, and like it so much, that this unique picture book, --'valuable to all as a way of learning about waterways, native fish and importance of healthy habitat and fish passage' -- is now one of their recommended resources.

The book is based on an Australian threatened freshwater fish species. It encourages readers to discover what's in their own waterway. Public and school librarians will want to check there's a copy on their shelves.

More details about Gladys and Stripey: two little fish on one BIG adventure, including a video, educator notes and activities can be found at

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The Joy of Learning

What a blast to read the story, Gladys and Stripey: two little fish on one BIG adventure, then take kids (along with their adults) down to a real fish ladder where scientist John answered questions and told a few of his own stories. Follow that with a make-shift fish ladder, watching kids moving the fish through it. (Big fish in the deeper part. Little ones stopping to rest.) And finish off with some clay modelling. Who would have thought the kids would craft not only fish, but a sculptured fish ladder! Oh, the joy of learning. It's brilliant. And all the time, the kids were just having fun. Adults too.

Where's the real fish ladder? Just behind the sign I'm pointing to, which explains all about Darebin Creek Fish Ladder. I'll include a pic in a future post.

Group of children and their adults, parents and grandparents, learning about a fish ladder, before exploring a real one.

To find out more about Gladys and Stripey: two little fish on one BIG adventure, go to Michele's website:

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