Advance Health Directives or Advance Care Plans

SunsetSilverPrincess2 Life is a series of cycles. And having your wishes respected when at your most vulnerable is important, particularly come the end of your life. Here's the link to an article I recently wrote about Advance Care Plans or Advance Health Directives. Making an Advance Care Plan, or Advance Health Directive, is not only a good idea for the person who makes it, but it's important for family members or friends (or whoever you appoint as your Medical Power of Attorney or Substitute Decision Maker) who may be called on to make critical decisions should you be in a state that renders you unable to express your own wishes. If you are thrust into the roll of carer, it's a good idea to make sure the person you are caring for, if over 18 years of age, has an Advance Care Plan or Advance Health Directive, as they are known in Australia, in place. To find out what inspires Michele check out her other blog: Text and image: copyright Michele Gierck Photo: Eucalyptus Silver Princess just prior to sunset
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Travel Writing

MalabarViewOfMtGower&Walker01-15-2014 Sometimes places are so amazing, writing about them is a must. Here's the link to a travel piece I scribed on Lord Howe Island which appeared in Australian newspapers. Keep in mind that no matter how wonderful Lord Howe Island sounds, whether you are into nature, relaxing, natural beauty, peaceful environments, bush walking, snorkelling, coral reefs, swimming with fine friendly fish (and even Galapagos sharks), it's much better being there! Photos and text copyright Michele Gierck To find out what else inspire Michele, apart from Lord Howe Island, visit her other blog:    
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