Waiting for your new book to be released (launched) is like having a ticket overseas and waiting for the journey to happen. So much anticipation. Will you rocket down the road ahead, reaching some fabulous pinnacle? Or ...
Well, let's see what happens when
Fraying: Mum, memory loss, the medical maze and me is launched later this month. (So far there's lots of interest!)
You can catch Richard Fidler's Radio National interview with Michele, (that's me) on 25 February at:
http://www.abc.net.au/local/sites/conversations/ The 55-minute interview will be podcast and can be listened to online any time after the interview.
For more information about Michele's new book check out her website: http://michelegierck.com.au/fraying/
Image and text copyright Michele Gierck
Photo: Road to Aoraki/MtCook, New Zealand