Hunkering down at home due to COVID-19 (coronavirus)? Now might be the perfect time to start that story you've always wanted to tell. Michele Gierck, a specialist memoir writer and professional biographer can work with you, via Skype or phone, to write, or help you write, your story. For those of you who are not sure where to begin, YOU MIGHT ONLY NEED A COUPLE OF SESSIONS WITH MICHELE TO KICK-START YOUR CREATIVITY.
If you'd like to discuss your writing project with Michele, please get in touch with her via
the contact page on her website.
Although based in Australia, Michele has been working with people in the USA and Europe for a number of years.
You can check out her author profile at,
Amazon or on
her website.
Recent praise for Michele's writing, or help writing, memoirs:
'Michele genuinely loves what she does. This is evident not only by the finished product but the way she goes above and beyond throughout the process of writing a book. I highly recommend Michele.' (Tracey Hughes - Biography/Family History)
"I decided to put pen to paper and write my migrant journey. I am indebted to Michele Gierck for her guidance, incredible insight and structural ability so that my story flowed, resulting in the completion of a magnificent outcome, both as a literary achievement and quality of finished book. I can confidently recommend Michele as a true professional.' Sam Tarascio, Founder and Executive Chairman of Salta Properties, one of Australia's Top 50 privately-owned companies.
Image copyright
Michele Gierck (Michele speaking at a literary event)