Gladys and Stripey – New to View page

cover of Gladys and Stripey

Publication Date: 1 July 2023

32 page picture book, softcover

For ages: 5–11

Category: Fiction, with lots of facts

Size: 210 x 290mm

ISBN: 978-0-6456021-0-4

Publisher: Michele Gierck

RRP: $19.99

Library Orders: ALS or James Bennett

School Orders: Vipa Books


Gladys and Stripey:
Two little fish on one
BIG adventure

Written by Michele Gierck
Illustrated by Marina Zlatanova

Being the smallest fish in the stream is not easy. For Gladys and Stripey, it gets even harder when, after a night of heavy rain, fast flowing water sweeps them out of their home habitat. What can they do? Will they make it back home?

This (almost) true story is based on an Australian nationally threatened fish species called Galaxiella pusilla. Told in rhyme, with accompanying scientific notes, young and not-so-young readers will discover lots about waterways, a special fish species and its habitat, as well as how tough life can be for two little fish.


PRAISE FOR Gladys and Stripey

“Gladys and Stripey is a truly wonderful book.”

–Mark Lintermans, Associate Professor of Freshwater Fisheries Ecology

“I think the story is fantastic! Educational, informative and an enjoyable read.”

–Shane Giese, STEM Teacher, Deputy Principal

“I loved the storyline, the rhythmic text, rich language choices and flow of the story.”

–Anne Lazzaro, Learning and Teaching Co‑ordinator, Deputy Principal

About the author

Michele Gierck A freelance writer, environmental educator, speaker, and author of several books, Michele is curious and creative. She delights in nature, learning and storytelling, and was so captivated by the work of a freshwater fish scientist that she was inspired to write Gladys and Stripey, a work for which she was awarded an environment grant.

About the illustrator

Marina Zlatanova, author and illustrator of the award-winning book Charlie’s Shell, has illustrated other charming children’s books.